I am writing a C# application that uses a SQL server database to hold its data. I need to create a stored procedure that returns a particular row's primary key value. This is no problem if the primary key is an INT. But my primary key is a unique identifier, and the stored procedure doesn't want to let me return any values that aren't INTs. Can someone please tell me how to get around this?
Thanks in advance.
ScottYou'll have to declare it as an outparameter.
And if you want something easier to handle you can convert it to
a varchar using CONVERT(myguid,VARCHAR)
Thank you so much. That is exactly what I needed. Also, for anyone else out there, it is actually in the format:
CONVERT(VARCHAR(36), myguid)
where of course 36 is the number of characters allocated for the datatype.
Sc0tt|||Ahh, I always get the order mixed up (didn't have a copy of books online at the computer
I'm posting from...)
Nice to hear you got it working.
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