Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Return All Rows

Hello Again,

Here is my situation..

I have a datareader that reads through all the records that satisfy my query condition... Once i have my records in the datareader i want to run through all of the values from it and form HTML rows, how do i do it? Following is the code that i have written

CustID = Session("CustCode")
viewSqlStr = "Select [Lead Title], [Lead Date] from [Lead Info] Where [Customer ID] = '" & CustID & "'"
objCommand = New SqlCommand(viewSqlStr, objConn)
objDR = objCommand.ExecuteReader()

Then in the HTML i do:

<% While objDR.Read() %>
<td class="f10" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top">Edit</td>
<td class="f10" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"><%= objDR("Lead Title") %></td>
<td class="f10" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"><%= objDR("Lead Date") %></td>
<% End While %
When i do this... inspite of having more than one records in the database.. only the last record is displayed on the screen. how do i make it display all the records here? i know in asp ado there was a movenext statement... what goes here? can someone pls help me with this so that all the records can be displayed here?

Thanks in advance,
~ssBinding this to a datagrid would probably be much faster...|||What this will do is to read through all of them - - forward only - - then, the last one in the list gets left on the screen for you to see.

What you want can be done with a Repeater or a DataList....Create the Item Template, then, instead of objDR.Read - - just bind the dataReader to the DataList or Repeater.

Check out:

It's not exactly your scenario, with the Table, etc, but it will show you how to use a DataList with a DataReader. You can add a HeaderTemplate for the Column HEaders and then one row and a cell for each item you want to show, in the ItemTemplate.

However, it's MUCH easier to use a DataGrid - - - skipping all the Table/Row/Cell stuff - - it's done automatically with a DataGrid

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