Friday, March 30, 2012

Return Distinct Values from Stored Procedures

I need to somehow filter the results of my stored procedure to return the distinct "OrderNum" values. I'm using SQL database and I'm look for a way to alter the results from the stored procedure. My stored procedure rptOpenOrderLines currently returns all invoices (items under a OrderNum). I want to somehow filter those results to return one and only one of those "OrderNum" variables from the invoices. The tricky part is that I need to somehow find a way to do this without going into my database and directly altering the SQL stored procedure. I would be happy for any recommendations/ideas. Thanks!

Is OrderNum contained in the result set returned by the sp rptOpenOrderLines? If yes, you may need something likeDataView.RowFilter:

If no, there seems to be no way to do this without checking back in database.

|||Great! Thanks lori_Jay! Although I don't yet have the exact solution, this looks like a good lead toward the final product. That article is pretty useful and I appreciate the help. I've spent days on developing these datalist/gridview controls and its about time that it should be done. I'll post back with the solution when I'm complete with this part.|||

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