Hello everybody,
I would like to know if there is a function to retrieve the name of the running stored procedure, like the built-in function "DB_NAME()" to retrieve the name of the database.
I need to retrieve the name for logging possibilities.
Thank you in advance!
Bastiaan Molsbeck.
There is no direct way to do this; however, if what you have in mind is to be able to get the name of an executing stored procedure in a trigger so that you can retain this information you can (1) use SET CONTEXT_INFO in the stored procedure to store the name of the calling proc and then (2) use the CONTEXT_INFO() function from the trigger to retrieve this information. Keep in mind that CONTEXT_INFO is BINARY(128) so you will need to convert the name to binary to execute SET CONTEXT_INFO and will need to translate from BINARY back to VARCHAR when using the CONTEXT_INFO() function. Take the time to look up these two topics in books online. Here are a couple of previous threads in which there was a similar discussion:
You will need to include something like this in the procedure:
declare @.contextBinary varbinary (128)
set @.contextBinary = ( select convert(varbinary(128), 'MyProcedureName') )set context_info @.contextBinary
and something like this in the trigger:
declare @.callingProcedure varchar(128)
set @.callingProcedure = ( select convert(varchar(128), context_info()) )
Hm, I was trying to find a way to accomplish that WITHOUT having to write the name of the stored procedure in it.
But thanks anyway. :-)
|||If youi are talking about retrieving it from within the executing stored procedure, use object_name(@.@.proc_id) as in:
create procedure test
select object_name(@.@.procid)
exec test
This will return:
|||Yes, that's exactly what I need.
Many thanks!
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