Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Retrieve Domain Name

Is there a way to pull back the domain name that a server is in from within
ie @.@.servername returns the server/instance, something similar for the
domain is what I am looking for.to capture the start time, end time, application name, client host name, NT
user name and the domain name.
DECLARE @.TraceID int, @.DB_ID int
EXEC CreateTrace
'C:\My SQL Traces\ProceduresCalledInMSDB',
@.OutputTraceID = @.TraceID OUT
EXEC AddEvent
'TextData, StartTime, EndTime, ApplicationName, ClientHostName, NTUserName,
NTDomainName, DatabaseID'
SET @.DB_ID = DB_ID('msdb')
EXEC AddFilter
EXEC StartTrace 1
"Thom" wrote:

> Is there a way to pull back the domain name that a server is in from withi
> SQL?
> ie @.@.servername returns the server/instance, something similar for the
> domain is what I am looking for.|||Sorry all, this is not within a trace but just at a sql analyzer window or
within a stored proc?
"Thom" wrote:

> Is there a way to pull back the domain name that a server is in from withi
> SQL?
> ie @.@.servername returns the server/instance, something similar for the
> domain is what I am looking for.|||I don't think there is any direct statement in SQL to get the domain name.
I think these statement will give the domain information for a login or
associated to the server:
"Thom" wrote:

> Is there a way to pull back the domain name that a server is in from withi
> SQL?
> ie @.@.servername returns the server/instance, something similar for the
> domain is what I am looking for.

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